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Do you have a x gauss magnet?

The Gaussian integer of a magnet is much higher directly at its surface than at a distance of a few millimetres. Therefore, the Gaussian integer depends on the distance between magnet and application site and has no absolute value. In the table below you can find a list of Gaussian integers according to distance.
Please note: The Gauss values noted in our product data sheets and physical magnet data are from the inside of the magnets and are defined based on the magnetisation grade. Therefore, these values can not be compared with or converted to the required Gauss ratings.
We often receive such questions from customers who read a book about the healing power of magnets and who are now looking for a suitable magnet. We don't believe in a healing power of magnets that goes beyond the placebo effect. However, we generally agree that you don't have to purchase an exorbitantly overpriced "healing magnet" for your own experiments. A simple and affordable neodymium magnet will do since it is the same type of magnet.
The question doesn't have a simple answer. It's like asking "Do you have a lamp that is bright enough for reading a book?" You can do that with nearly every lamp if you hold the book close enough. But are you able to read your book at a distance of 5 metres or 10 metres? That depends on the illuminating power of the lamp. The same holds true for magnets. Similar to the brightness of a lamp, the magnetic flux density (the gauss number) of a magnet decreases with increasing distance. Therefore, the question should be: "Do you have a magnet that produces a magnetic flux density of 800 gauss at a distance of 20 mm from the surface?"
Actually, most of our magnets, even the smallest ones, have several 1 000 gauss directly at the surface. Depending on the form and strength of the magnetisation, it's possible that a certain magnet only produces 100 gauss at a distance of 10 mm, while another might still produce 2 000 gauss. The magnetic field is strongest directly on the surface at the edge of the pole faces (block magnets at the corners) and weakest in the centre. However, the field decreases much faster with increasing distance from the magnet around the edge than the field on the central magnetic axis. Even a few millimetres away might make the field on the axis stronger than the one around the edge. (See also the tables below.)
Some manufacturers and sellers specify gauss numbers on their magnets that can only be reached when the magnet is being "short-circuited" by an iron yoke and only a tiny air gap between north and south pole remains. Such a hypothetical value cannot be reached on the surface and even less outside a freestanding magnet.
Since you normally can't bring the magnet all the way to the spot that needs treatment, you have to decide at which distance the magnet should be effective. Then you can use the excel files linked below to test which size magnet is necessary to reach the desired gauss number. By the way, the following conversion applies: 1 tesla = 10 000 gauss. Help is available in the FAQ: How do you calculate the magnetic flux density?.
Gaussian integers on magnetic axis (= a straight line through the centres of the pole faces):
Distance0 mm5 mm10 mm20 mmUnit
S-10-03-N300080023040 Gauss

Gaussian integers on the edge (= on a straight line parallel to the magnetic axis through the side):
Distance0 mm5 mm10 mm20 mmUnit
S-10-03-N760056018040 Gauss